Dr Pascal Barrette

Pascal grew up in Montreal in Canada and initially studied engineering before discovering his passion for human health and function. He studied chiropractic in the United States, learning English at the same time. And now, after 10 years of practice in Scotland and Canada, he feels right at home living on the Mornington Peninsula with Tania and their children. Pascal is committed to helping people achieve their optimal health and happiness through proactive chiropractic care. He is also managing director of Chirosoft, a practice management software company, which designs products specifically for chiropractors.

Dr Tania Kennelly

Originally from Gippsland, Tania has practised in South Australia, Scotland and Canada. She spent 10 years overseas but is now very happy to be living in an area where she holidayed frequently as a child. With her husband Pascal, she has three young children who thrive with the benefits of regular chiropractic care. Tania loves helping families, women in pregnancy and children achieve their highest levels of health. She has undertaken postgraduate training in sacro-occipital technique, neuro-emotional technique and cranial adjusting, which is very beneficial for treating growing children like hers. Whenever Tania has a spare moment, she indulges her passion for yoga, healthy cooking and exploring that next creative venture.