Updated 10 days ago
85 Norris Road, Pittsfield NH
We have also expanded the farm and enjoy providing families with firewood to help heat their home and entertain their guests around the campfire. We have expanded our firewood business from hand cutting and splitting with a splitter run off of the tractor throwing every piece into the back of the truck to a splitter with a conveyor and now to a wood processor. We continue to grow every year and look forward to meeting your firewood needs better each year... We are a 1 st generation farm with a late family history of farming. We have a love for raising animals and a fulfillment knowing where the food we eat comes from. We started our farm in 2011 with one pregnant pig and my how we have grown since! We have tried a little bit of everything from pigs, cows, chickens for eggs, turkeys, and rabbits. We found a love for raising cows and pigs. As well as raising cows and pigs, we also hay 80 acres at least twice a year, some 3-4 times... We are a family owned and operated first generation..