FEAR - History of Changes

2024-05-26 insert index_pages_linkeddomain helpdesk.com
2024-03-13 delete about_pages_linkeddomain ok.ru
2024-03-13 delete about_pages_linkeddomain vk.com
2024-03-13 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain ok.ru
2024-03-13 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain vk.com
2024-03-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain ok.ru
2024-03-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain vk.com
2024-03-13 delete management_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2024-03-13 delete management_pages_linkeddomain ok.ru
2024-03-13 delete management_pages_linkeddomain vk.com
2024-03-13 delete phone 2.0 2023-2024
2024-03-13 insert person Bogdan Mind
2024-03-13 update robots_txt_status www.infear.org: 200 => 0
2023-09-03 insert phone 2.0 2023-2024
2023-09-03 update person_description Bogdan Mihailov => Bogdan Mihailov
2023-09-03 update person_title Bogdan Mihailov: President of Kids Without Fear Nonprofit, Author of a Blog about Anxiety Disorders and PA Treatment. Lecturer at Moscow State University Lomonosov Psychology => President of Kids Without Fear Nonprofit
2022-04-05 update person_description Bogdan Mihailov => Bogdan Mihailov
2022-04-05 update person_title Bogdan Mihailov: President of Kids Without Fear Nonprofit, Author of a Blog about Anxiety Disorders and PA Treatment. NLP Practitioner. Lecturer at Moscow State University Lomonosov Psychology => President of Kids Without Fear Nonprofit, Author of a Blog about Anxiety Disorders and PA Treatment. Lecturer at Moscow State University Lomonosov Psychology
2022-03-06 delete management_pages_linkeddomain wa.me
2022-03-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2022-03-06 update person_title Bogdan Mihailov: Psychologist - Psychotherapist => President of Kids Without Fear Nonprofit, Author of a Blog about Anxiety Disorders and PA Treatment. NLP Practitioner. Lecturer at Moscow State University Lomonosov Psychology
2021-06-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain wa.me
2021-06-23 insert person Bogdan Mihailov