Claire Davis

Job Titles:
  • Specialist Advisor
Claire has extensive experience advising Boards of small to large enterprises. As a Director and CFO of companies in Australia and UK, Claire has overseen and led change at company and sector level to access innovative funding and influence changes in industry regulation. Claire's coaching and mentoring practice is evidence- based and draws on her extensive Board experience. Her industry and client experience include: FMCG, consulting, legal and financial services, mining, media, private health insurance, property development and management, aged care, mental health and social services. Claire has over 25 years' experience serving on Boards of commercial and commercially minded NFP organisations. Roles included Board Chair and chairing committees covering finance, audit, risk, governance, nominations and remuneration. Claire is Vice Chair of BlueCHP and director of Open Minds, chairing committees in both organisations. As a Chartered Accountant, Claire worked with a top four firm of accountants. Her roles included CFO and Director of Corporate Services, leading large multi-disciplinary teams. Claire has coached leaders since 2006, focusing on leadership, influence and business improvement. In 2021 Claire found a love of preparing dinosaur bones for preservation in Queensland's beautiful outback. She will attend her first dig for bones later this year. Connect on LinkedIn

Claudia Nemeth de Bikal

Job Titles:
  • Associate
Claudia has experience in company secretarial roles and reporting to boards and committees. Currently she is the Assistant Company Secretary at Pymble Ladies' College, an independent girls' school in Sydney working with the Board and its Asset Management and Audit, Risk and Finance Committees. Prior to her company secretary role, Claudia had over 20 years' experience in the financial services sector in digital transformation, marketing, project management and regulatory reform, including experience in large insurers and a challenger insurance company. Claudia started skiing at 40 and hopes that practice will make perfect so she can keep up with her teenage sons on the slopes, or at least meet them for lunch. Connect on LinkedIn

Connie Howe

Job Titles:
  • Chartered Accountant in Australia
  • Specialist Advisor / BEc, CA
Connie is a qualified Chartered Accountant in Australia, a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, an ASIC Registered Company Auditor and an International Mergers & Acquisitions Expert Charterholder.

Darren Taylor

Job Titles:
  • Specialist Advisor
Areas of Expertise Board governance and compliance including the risk and audit agendas

Dr Judith MacCormick - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Director
  • Practice Director
Judith has been a Director and Chair, widely published academic, a senior executive and partner in national and global companies and as a consultant advising Australian Government bodies, NFPs as well as multiple ASX 100 and Fortune 500 companies globally.

Dr Melinda Muth

Job Titles:
  • Practice Director
  • Leader and Writer
Melinda is an active thought leader and writer on governance issues. She co-authored with Bob Selden: Setting the Tone from the Top: How leaders' conversations shape a positive culture. The book is highly recommended by Peakstone Global for all directors and executives.

Dr Rachel Baird

Job Titles:
  • Practice Director
  • Chairman of SouthMAC, an AFMA Fisheries Advisory Committee
Rachel is the Chair of SouthMAC, an AFMA fisheries advisory committee and the President of the Melbourne University Alumni Council. She is a member of the RSL Queensland Governance and Constitutions Committee. Rachel has previously served on school councils, NFP and sporting boards and has chaired or been a member of committees responsible for safety, audit and risk and governance.

Greg Brogan

Job Titles:
  • Specialist Advisor
Areas of Expertise Remuneration Advice for executives and NEDs Remuneration Plan design and implementation (Fixed Pay, STI and LTI) Employee Share Plan design and Start-Up equity Plans Governance of remuneration (non-financial measures related to ESG) Strike Reversal and Avoidance Strategies Experience Greg has provided advice and recommendations to the executives and Boards of listed and unlisted private companies for more than thirty years. In the last ten years these companies include Suncorp, Aurizon, Fosters, Sedgman, MPC Kinetic, Penten and, AVADA Group. Prior to establishing his own boutique consulting firm, Greg has held positions at the ATO, Towers Perrin (actuarial), Cullen Egan Dell (now Mercer) and various other executive corporate positions. Greg is recognised by some as the pre-eminent beach worm collector on the Sunshine Coast. If you see a figure in the distance bent over, doing something suspicious in ankle deep water at low tide, feel free to approach and solicit some remuneration and/or worming advice.

Jason Wilk

Job Titles:
  • Practice Director
Areas of Expertise Technology strategy and risk for Directors and the interface with management Cyber for Directors, from culture to crisis management Managing the interface between the board and management Experience For 15 years Jason has advised a broad range of organisations on Governance, Risk, Strategy and Resilience issues at the interface between Directors and Executives. Over the last 10 years Jason has been a Senior AICD Facilitator, Course Author, Course Reviewer and AICD Board Advisor. Jason spent 15 years as the Managing Director of a boutique consulting firm specialising in governance of technology risk and cyber security, is an Executive Director of EviProof a technology start-up, chairs the IT Steering Committee for Development WA and has been a non-executive director and committee chair on several Associations including LEARN Foundation for Autism and Interchange WA. Jason started his career in IT, progressing through various management roles until heading up Cyber Security for several large financial institutions. The pivot to Governance consulting was a logical extension of Jason's unique ability to translate technology issues and concepts for Directors and Executives and then business issues back to technologists. With two girls rapidly approaching their teenage years Jason is desperately trying to enable them to survive as digital natives facing vastly different career options!

Marion Macleod

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • President of Melbourne Rotary
  • Specialist Advisor
Areas of Expertise Guiding strategy setting and risk management discussions of Board and Management Marion is a highly experienced Director and Board Advisor. She facilitates the AICD's Company Directors and specialist courses in Risk and Strategy. For over 20 years she has advised companies including delivered the award winning, ‘Effective Director' Program for NAB.

Matthew Kronborg

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
  • Member of the Board
  • Founding Director of Grainstone
  • Specialist Advisor
Matthew is a founding director of Grainstone an agrifoodtech company, a NED of Trust for Nature a statutory body, a previous leader of the United Nations presence in Australia and other board roles.

Peter Kronborg - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
  • Director
  • Executive Chair
Peter has been a director on a range of boards for decades. Pleasingly, these include 12 years in the Royal Flying Doctor Service as Director, Chair and Deputy Chair at a state or national level during substantial growth and change.

Rob Newman

Job Titles:
  • Specialist Advisor
Areas of Expertise Behavior and conflict in the boardroom Organisational Culture and Conduct Risk Survey analysis using advanced psychometrics and systems models Experience Rob is an organisational psychologist who for 25 years has specialised in Board and executive dynamics, leadership coaching and organisational culture. Using tools from psychology, management theory and statistics he works in the space between the human facets of business and the corporate systems of governance, strategy, structure and operations. Aside from his consulting work, Rob is also a faculty member at the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) where he leads the advanced course in boardroom behaviour, the Boardroom Mastery program. Rob helps organisations deal with problems such as: leader performance, board and executive conflict, failures in organisational cultural and people risk. In all his work Rob's primary goal is to create alignment and synergy between people and organisational systems, such that high performance can emerge and be sustained. Rob also leads an advisory and consultancy firm providing organisational psychology services in the areas of human and organisational assessment, group facilitation, team development and organisational change. The firm has been designing change programs for individuals, groups and organisations, since 1991 - each one customised to suit specific organisational needs, cultures and environments. Rob also holds directorship roles in Schuhfried Australia, an international supplier of clinical assessment tools to the medical and neuroscience markets, and Veedre, a psychometric testing firm servicing mining and transport industries. When Rob isn't in a boardroom somewhere, he enjoys renovating his home of 15 years. His wife just wishes he would hire tradespeople instead.

Simon Rumore - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Chair
  • Managing Director
Simon is Deputy Chair, Open Minds Australia, a NDIS provider and for 6 years was a non-executive director of Amnesty International Australia. He has chaired committees responsible for governance, nominations, safety, membership engagement and strategy. Simon started his career as an organizational development consultant then spent a decade as an interim executive supporting organisations throughout the Asia Pacific Region.

Steven Cole

Job Titles:
  • Specialist Advisor
Areas of Expertise Effective Governance for Enhanced Performance Outcomes