Megan Beed

My name is Megan Beed and I am married with three kids. My family and I live outside of our hometown of West Point on a small farm. We love being outside, taking care of our chickens and going on adventures! Life is amazing and we are truly blessed! At one point in time, I was not sure any of this would ever be possible. When I was nineteen and in college, I was in a serious car accident that left me with herniated and ruptured discs in my spine. I could have never imagined the challenges that were now ahead of me. After many many back surgeries and procedures over a five year period, I was diagnosed with "failed back surgery syndrome". Yep, that's a real thing and I believed all the physical limitations that the doctor's had placed on me. I was in and out of school, not working, always in pain, and at one point, I was in a wheelchair. This took ahold of my young life and destroyed it. Fast forward quite a few years, I decided to change ALL of that. I decided that I would take this "wreck of a life" into my own capable hands and I would accomplish all the things I was told I couldn't. I CHOSE to be healthy. I CHOSE to live over just existing. One of the most valuable tools I found for my pain relief was YOGA! This has truly saved me and allowed me to live a life not free of pain, but dramatically decreased pain. We often have many Yogis tell us the exact same thing… if consistent with their yoga, they dramatically reduced their pain levels as well. I am here today because I want to help others find this light, this will inside of them. You can take control of your body, of your pain, of your limitations AND you can change it all for the better! I may not be the person I once was, but I have made the very best of this lesson in life. Here at The Good Earth Company, we want to help you with your whole body wellness… mind, body & soul! We can't wait to see you in a class!