Dr. Jairo Sanchez

Dr. Jairo Sanchez was born in Colombia and grew up in West Palm Beach, Florida. He obtained his D.M.D degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts and returned to Florida after graduation. One of his passions is working with underserved communities, patients with disabilities, elderly with limited mobility, and those in financial need. After graduation Dr Sanchez continues taking advanced courses in full mouth rehabilitation, cosmetic dentistry, and is a certified Invisalign provider. His priority is to provide a comfortable dental experience and educate patients on the importance of oral health. Outside of dentistry, Dr Sanchez enjoys traveling with his wife, practicing calisthenics, and cooking.

Luz Ocasio

Luz Ocasio was born in Colombia and obtained her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree (D.M.D) from the Dental College of Colombia (1988). The same year she founded her first dental office which operated for 11 years, offering her services to families and businesses as an Adjunct Dentist. She was associated with prestigious companies such as Santo Domingo Group, Bavaria Brewery, Cajas Plásticas S.A., and Conalvidrios S.A. In 1999 she moved to the United States and earned her license as a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) in 2003 and initially worked with different dentists in Palm Beach, Florida for around 17 years; but her entrepreneurial spirit and her dream guided her to work with her son Dr. Jairo Sanchez in Sanchez Dental Studio P.A, where she currently works. Also, created Mobile Dental Hygiene Clinic that directly brings you the preventative dental care experience at your home doorsteps. After thorough observation, it was noticed that there are elderly people who have no one to take them to their dental appointments, that's where Luz Ocasio came up with the idea of her mobile dental hygiene care that goes to the patient. She is a member of the American Mobile & Teledentistry Alliance, and she has a Diploma for Caregiving for Elderly to know about her senior patients.