360 TALENT AVENUE - Key Persons

Lacey Menchen - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Lacey Menchen is proud to lead 360 Talent Avenue as its CEO. For two decades, Lacey has overseen numerous high-performing talent acquisition programs across multiple industries. In every role, Lacey's refreshing, creative approach to matching companies with talent delivered unrivaled, sustainable results time and again. Always the analyst, Lacey felt compelled to explore the "why" behind her massive success. She quickly realized that her process and methods of execution were uniquely hers, rendering her partnership and knowledge indispensable to many businesses. Fortunately, her research highlighted a massive gap: Recruitment relationships have unnecessary limitations. With innate determination, Lacey immediately realized she could replicate her success, expand her reach, and seamlessly help even more businesses with their recruitment needs. Lacey's answer was to design a strategic recruiting firm like none in the market. Simply put, keep the client top of mind and put the hiring needs of customers at the forefront.

Veronica Walsh - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
  • Talent Avenue 's Chief Operating Officer
Veronica Walsh was hired as 360 Talent Avenue's Chief Operating Officer in 2020, bringing over a decade of advanced operational and financial leadership expertise from various industries. She has far reaching experience in operational excellence as evidenced by her extensive history in elevating business performance from ordinary to extraordinary. Veronica is responsible for overseeing the continuous evolution of 360 Talent Avenue. In her freshman year with 360, Veronica leaned on her solid foundation in people, process and systems and executed strategies that increased our year-over-year growth by triple digits. She is driven by a life-long passion for learning, often challenging others to think beyond the current status quo. That curiosity allows Veronica to maximize any present state, transforming aspirational goals into operational reality. While Veronica's list of tangible successes are long, she also shines as a leader of people. Employee engagement is always top of mind, as she finds unique ways to gather points of view, feedback and ideas from the larger team, consistently modeling inclusivity and acceptance of diversity in thought. Veronica embraces servant leadership, connecting with the needs of our employees, helping them grow and prosper in and out of 360. This investment inspires our team to improve efficiency, value, and the overall experience for customers, colleagues, and the organization. Veronica's considerable career is peppered with accolades and awards, but she is most proud of her accomplishments outside of work. Veronica is the proud mother of two sons who play ice hockey and dedicates her personal time teaching them how to be leaders both on and off the ice.