Mark Collier - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Mark Collier has been in the tank making business since 1998 and has been building custom reef inserts and custom tanks for over 20 years. He's seen it all which makes his expertise invaluable! Mark Collier started building tanks from cast acrylic back in 1998. Since then he has honed his skills and become the leading tank and aquatic environment expert in the Valley of the Sun. If you can dream it, he can build it! He and his dedicated staff are the key to the great customer service and quality products that AEM produces. Contact us today to see what we can build for you. You may know of Mark Collier by his other "name"- the Arizona Fish Guy. Mark has been designing, installing and maintaining custom aquariums for residential and commercial clients for nearly 25 years. He estimates his creations number several hundred. The Phoenix native says he was fascinated by fish and aquariums as a boy. His father was a hobbyist, and Mark spent much of his free time at the local fish store. He jokes that he was there so often the owner felt compelled to offer him a job, and he started working for the company after graduating from high school. For the next 10 years, he learned all he could about designing and installing tanks while also doing extensive research on fish. In the late 1990s, he branched out and started his own firm, Custom Marine Aquaria. Mark says that one of the things he enjoys most about his job is coming up with designs that push the boundaries of typical tanks.