Aaron Newman

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Board of Directors Chair
Aaron is a serial entrepreneur who previously founded other successful startups: CloudCheckr (now a part of Spot by NetApp), Techrigy, DbSecure, and Application Security, Inc. He previously served as CEO of CloudCheckr. Aaron authored the books Enterprise 2.0, printed by McGraw-Hill, and Oracle Security Handbook, printed by Oracle Press. He is an acclaimed international speaker on technology topics and has been awarded multiple patents in database security and social media. Aaron has held technology positions at Price Waterhouse, Bankers Trust, and as an independent IT consultant. Aaron proudly served in the U.S. Army during the First Gulf War. He currently serves as a Trustee of the Strong National Museum of Play.

Ed Casmer - CTO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CTO
  • Founder
Ed's unparalleled dedication and commitment to excellence are woven into the fabric of Cloud Storage Security's DNA. His larger than life personality, passion for the work, and investment in everyone at CSS continues to inspire and drive the team. CSS's strong foundation and highly trained, experienced staff wouldn't be what they are if not for Ed's guidance; he left the company in a position to excel and the product with the ability to deliver. Ed's extraordinary spirit will live on through the work he accomplished at our company and through all the lives he touched. You can find our announcement about Ed here. For a beautiful account of Ed's life, read his obituary. If you would like to share your story, condolences or photos of Ed, you may do so on Ed's memorial website.

Steven Hess - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Steven is a results-oriented executive with over two decades of strategic leadership and operational experience in scaling companies from early-stage through IPO in the technology and services sectors. Previously, he held key leadership roles at Vertafore, Zelis Healthcare, and MedAssets. His tenure in these positions was marked by strategic transformation, consistent revenue growth, and increased operational performance. Since joining Cloud Storage Security, Steven has effectively shaped strategy, aligned operations to drive growth, and is overseeing numerous strategic initiatives across the organization.