LOST SIGNAL - Key Persons

Brian Gish

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Lead Programmer
I've been in the games industry for twelve and a half years and worked for several large companies like Sony Online Entertainment, Microsoft and Glu Mobile. For the last seven years I've been a professional Unity developer. I got my start using Unity when I worked at Glu Mobile. I instantly feel in love with the Unity game engine back in 2012 and haven't looked back. In my career (outside of Lost Signal) I've shipped five games and worked on several more canceled/unreleased titles. During that time I've also released several games/apps through Lost Signal. Lost Signal was a side company for many years, but has now evolved into my full time job.

Christopher "Gavin" Galvanin

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Lead Artist
Hi I'm Chris Galvanin, 3D is my passion and I've been working on immersive experiences with the MSFT HoloLens on professional projects for the past 2+ years. I have 13+ years of 3D design / games industry experience. I have shipped 12+ titles spanning console, PC, and mobile platforms in roles ranging from IC artist to manager supporting multiple projects. We founded Lost Signal as a way for us to work towards our dream of creating a successful Indie studio where we could work on the experiences that excite us.

Paul Ehreth

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Lead Designer
I got my start as a 3d technical artist in the movie industry, but left Hollywood to fulfill my passion of designing interactive entertainment experiences. I worked at Microsoft as a game designer for 7+ years on Halo 4 and 5, Shadowrun 360, and Kinect Adventures, as well as prototyping new technology at Microsoft Research. I've now been in the games industry for more than 15 years, have worked on games with sales totaling more than 38 million units sold, and currently work at Remedy Entertainment in Finland as the Lead Designer on CONTROL.