Jabez Persaud

Job Titles:
  • Principal
  • Principle and Managing Director
Introducing Jabez, the visionary leader, Principle and Managing Director of our Mortgage and Protection firm. With a track record of excellence and an unwavering commitment to helping clients secure their financial future, Jabez is at the helm of our success. Beyond the boardroom, Jabez has a passion for exploration. Traveling to new places, he seeks out new experiences, cultures, and perspectives. This adventurous spirit fuels his ability to think outside the box and find innovative solutions for clients. Jabez is not just a leader in business but also a lifelong learner. He enjoys management books and keeps up to date with our continuous industry changes, always striving to improve his leadership skills and keep our team at the forefront of industry knowledge. Socialising is another of Jabez's strengths, building strong relationships within our team and with our clients. He understands that trust and rapport are essential in our industry and bring that ethos to every interaction. But amidst the hustle and bustle of professional life, Jabez treasures family time above all else. Spending quality moments with loved ones, Jabez recognises the importance of balance, which he brings to our company's culture. With a sharp mind for business, a wanderlust for travel, an appetite for knowledge, a gift for socialising, and an unwavering commitment to family, Jabez is the driving force behind our Mortgage and Protection firm's continued success.

James Persaud

Job Titles:
  • Mortgage and Protection Broker
James is not your typical mortgage broker - he is a dynamic professional who knows how to mix business with pleasure. With a passion for helping clients secure their dream homes, James has been a trusted advisor in the mortgage industry for years. Beyond the world of finance, James has a love for music that transcends boundaries. When not crunching numbers, you'll often find him behind the decks, spinning tracks and creating memorable beats as a DJ. His innate ability to read a crowd and keep the party going mirrors his talent for understanding clients' unique financial needs. But that's not all - James is equally passionate about football. Whether he is cheering for his favourite team on the sidelines or joining a friendly match on weekends, football is a cornerstone of his life. James' team spirit and dedication translate seamlessly into his work, where James is always in your corner, helping you score the best mortgage and protection deal. When James isn't busy being a financial wizard, DJ extraordinaire, or football enthusiast, he cherishes his time with family. James believes in the importance of a strong support system, and his loved ones are his motivation to excel in both his professional and personal life. With a knack for numbers, a love for music, a passion for football, and a heart devoted to family, James is the mortgage and protection broker who can turn your homeownership dreams into reality.

Nikki Szczypka

Job Titles:
  • Senior Administrator
Meet Nikki, the friendly Senior Administrator at Financial Service Solutions. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence, Nikki plays a pivotal role in ensuring our clients' financial goals are met. She has many years' experience in customer service which has meant she can easily adapt to our various client's needs. Nikki has made quite an impact in all areas of the business due to her positive can-do attitude. Outside the world of mortgages and protection, Nikki is an avid Formula 1 enthusiast. She eagerly follows the high-speed world of racing, revelling in the precision, strategy and thrill of the sport. But Nikki isn't all about spreadsheets and race statistics. She finds solace in the pages of a good book. Whether it's diving into a gripping thriller or exploring the depths of non-fiction, reading is a cherished hobby. When Nikki isn't immersed in the world of finance or engrossed in a book, she is a dedicated parent to two wonderful daughters. Family time is precious, and Nikki cherishes every moment spent with her daughters by going on holidays and days out, creating memories that will last a lifetime. With a keen eye for detail, a love for Formula 1, a passion for reading, and a heart devoted to her two daughters, Nikki is a valued Senior Administrator who brings dedication and a personal touch to every aspect of our mortgage and protection services.