C-FACTOR - Key Persons

Borna Scognamiglio - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • CEO and Co - Founder of Pixis
Borna Scognamiglio is an entrepreneur, CEO and co-founder of Pixis (incubated at Station F, Paris, accelerated by WISE Qatar and laureate of the Innovation Impact Grant of Dubai World Expo 2020). A former researcher at Paris-Sorbonne University, he holds a double Bachelor's degree in Cultural Heritage and Cultural management, a Master's degree in History as well as certificates in entrepreneurship from ESCP Europe and Design thinking from École Centrale, Lyon. A member of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth (SDSN Youth), with Pixis he dreams of giving everyone the chance to cultivate her/his passions and talents catalyzing education for all, fostering personal development and helping young people imagine and act for a more meaningful and sustainable world.

Dave Ranyard

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
Dave Ranyard is a self confessed VR pioneer and the CEO of an independent virtual reality studio, Dream Reality Interactive. The studio is based in London, where the largest concentration of VR developers outside Silicon Valley are to be found and its mission is to create intuitive virtual reality experiences with deeper challenge and social play. Dave is excited about the future of VR and is keen for the studio to concentrate on a multi-platform approach. Prior to this, Dave was the director of Sony's London Studio, where he oversaw Sony's critically acclaimed ventures into the world of virtual reality on PlayStation. Recent demos include Ocean Descent, The London Heist and The Getaway, exhibited around the world at key games industry events such as E3, GDC and Gamescom and are to be part of the premium PlayStation VR retail package, known as VR worlds. Having, studied at Leeds University, Dave obtained a 1st in computer science and PhD in artificial intelligence. Prior to becoming London Studio head he has been a research fellow, programmer, audio manager & musician, creative services manager, executive producer (SingStar & Wonderbook) and has released a number of dance records. Dave is also an active member of the game development industry, holding positions on the BAFTA Games Committee, the Game Developers Conference (San Francisco) and the Virtual Reality World Congress.

David Fajolles - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder

Denis Delbourg

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board

Dr. Sotiris Manitsaris

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Scientific Board
  • Senior Researcher
  • Team Leader
  • Senior Researcher, MINES ParisTech, Centre for Robotics
Dr. Sotiris Manitsaris is Senior Researcher and Science-Technology Project and Team Leader at the Centre for Robotics of MINES ParisTech, Université PSL. He holds a University Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a double Master Degree in Local Development from the University of Blaise-Pascal and the Engineering School of the University of Thessaly and a PhD in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence from the University of Macedonia. He participated in projects as postdoctoral fellow in Human-Robot Collaboration for the Industry 4.0, the Biomedical Engineering and the Creative and Cultural Industries. He is currently involved in a number of H2020 projects and he has strong collaboration with startups and industrial groups, such as PSA, CRF, SAGEM and a number of Creative and Cultural Industries. His research focuses on movement-based human-machine collaboration and Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence in general. He leads the Post-Master's Degree AIMove - "Artificial Intelligence and Movement in Industries and Creation", which is supported by European academic and professional leaders of the field. Moreover, he is the President of the GAIIA Association (Gesture & AI in Industry and Arts) and the Head of IT researchers group at the ElonTech Observatory in law and new technologies.

Emmanuel Mahé

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Scientific Board
  • Director of Research, ENSAD ( École Nationale Supérieure Des Arts Décoratifs )
A PhD graduate from Rennes University, Emmanuel Mahé (HDR) started his career as a researcher in human sciences, at the crossroads between art, design & sciences. Emmanuel worked during ten years as a researcher and project lead for Orange Labs (the innovation practice of the telecommunication giant), then joined the renowned French design school ENSAD - as Director of Research - and PSL Research University as the SACRe laboratory director. The SACRe (Sciences Arts Creation Research) doctoral Programme, piloted by art schools, aims to train a new generation of creative artists ("practice-based" doctorate); to promote a PhD thesis model centered on artistic forms (films, performances, installations, prototyping, exhibitions, musical creations, etc.); to participate in structuring research in conservatories and art schools.

Ignasi Guardans

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
Ignasi Guardans, Ph.D., started his career in 1991 as an academic in the field of Private International Law. He later practiced for some years at a law firm. In 1995 he started a political career, which took him first to the Catalan Parliament (1995); later the Spanish Parliament (two mandates, 1996-2004), and finally the European Parliament (2004-2009). Among other political responsibilities, for all those years Ignasi was always involved and directly involved in policy, legislative and governmental monitoring works in the field of culture, media and what would later be called creative industries. In 2009 he was appointed Director General of Spain's Film & Audio-visual Agency ( ICAA ), a part of the Ministry of Culture. In many cultural issues of common interest he worked in close connection with other Government high officials responsible for other areas (Performing Arts & Music; Heritage; Books and Libraries; as well as Telecommunications). In 2011 he worked as the first Director of Public Affairs of the European Broadcasting Union (Eurovision). He moved to Brussels in 2012, and co-founded CUMEDIAE aisbl. In 2014 he also joined a global Law Firm as a Partner in its Brussels office. Among other generous and unexpected recognitions to his work, Ignasi was recently decorated as Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government.

Jakob Haesler

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board

Kalli Giannelos - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder

Karol Beffa

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board

Laurent Daudet - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder

Laurent de Wilde

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
Laurent de Wilde is a musician, producer, writer and radio host. Former student of the École Normale Supérieure d'Ulm in Paris, he moved in New York for eight years, learning jazz piano. He starts performing professionally at the end of the 80's and records his first albums with Jack DeJohnette, Billy Hart and Eddie Henderson. Back in Paris in 1991, he pursues his musical career and is awarded the Prix Django Reinhardt in 1993 for his album Open Changes (1992). He then records two albums for Sony, The back burner (1995) then Spoon-a-rythm (1997) which grants him the Victoire du Jazz in 1998 as the Revelation of the Year. At the same time, he writes a biography of Thelonious Monk (L'Arpenteur - Gallimard,1996, then Folio, 1998), which is translated in English, Spanish, Italian and is awarded the Prix Charles Delaunay of the Académie du Jazz. During the 2000's, he immerses himself in electronic music, a musical genre in which he releases six albums. From then on, Laurent follows simultaneously a wide variety of projects : his own jazz trio, his electronic bands, but also in-depth collaborations with artists such as Jacques Gamblin or Abd Al Malik, as well as co-writing two documentaries for Arte (Monk, 2010 and Mingus, 2011). In October 2016, he releases Riddles (Gazebo), a two pianos album with African legend Ray Lema, and publishes with Grasset a succesfull essay on keyboards inventors of the twentieth century, Les Fous du Son. He also begins broadcasting a weekly radio show for TSF Jazz, Portrait in jazz. In 2017, the centennial of Thelonious Monk's birthday, Laurent puts out his New Monk Trio, dedicated to the compositions of the Genius of Modern Music, which receives in 2018 Best French Album Award by the Académie du Jazz. The same year, he is elected Musician of the Year by the Victoires du Jazz, and is awarded the Grand prix Sacem for lifetime achievement.

Marc Bayard

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
Marc Bayard holds a PhD in art history from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He has been a recipient of the French Minsitry of Foreign Affairs' Lavoisier scholarship and a resident of the French Academy in Rome - Villa Médicis. He has been Head of the Department of research in art history of this institution during six years. Upon his return in France he joined the office of the Minister of Culture Frédéric Mitterrand, and was then appointed Cultural and Scientific Advisor at the Mobilier national. Also, he has been scientific editor of several books and has authored (amongst other) the following publications: Feinte Baroque. Iconographie et esthétique de la variété au XVIIe siècle (2010), Sacri Monti. Incandescence baroque en Italie du Nord (with Valère Novarina, 2012). In 2016 he published a collective book on the Design of power.

Martijn de Wever - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive
  • Founder
  • Member of the Advisory Board
  • Officer
Martijn is Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Force Over Mass. Being a tech investor and app developer himself, the idea of FOMCAP was born. With 20 years of knowledge in trading and risk managing financial products & derivatives; Martijn's experience at HSBC, BNP Paribas and ABN Amro allowed him to recognize a key gap in the market. Alongside FOMCAP, Martijn has launched Floww; a SaaS platform empowering financial institutions to communicate and share investment opportunities with their clients as well as partner organisations. Martijn graduated from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Michela Magas

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
Michela Magas is an innovation catalyst who bridges the worlds of science and art, design and technology, and academic research and industry, with a track record of over 25 years of innovation. She is the first winner of European Woman Innovator of the Year to represent the Creative Industries and was appointed Innovation Luminary for Creative Innovation by the European Commission and Intel Labs Europe. She is advisor on Industry Innovation to the European Commission and the G7 Leaders. She is Chair of the Industry Commons Foundation which assembles a range of industry verticals around a global open innovation community platform supported by decentralised systems which tracks IP embedded in radical breakthroughs for emerging markets. Michela is the founder of Music Tech Fest, a global community platform of over 7 000 creative innovators and scientific researchers. The platform places music at the centre of innovation in areas as diverse as neuroscience, microcomputing, blockchain and the primary industries, and has been hosted worldwide by partners including Microsoft Research New England, Centre Pompidou in Paris, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican in London. She has 25 years of experience in developing product futures for a series of international clients including Apple, Nike and Nokia, and is co-author of a patent in music AI.

Pascal Le Masson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Scientific Board
  • Professor at MINES ParisTech
  • Professor at MINES ParisTech, Chair of Design Theory & Methods for Innovation
Pascal Le Masson is Professor at MINES ParisTech - PSL Research University, Chair of Design Theory and Methods for Innovation (DTMI). He is deputy Director of the Center of Management Science - i3 (UMR CNRS 9217). He is honorary Professor of Leicester University. He works on design theory and methods for innovation. He has published, with Benoit Weil and Armand Hatchuel, "Strategic Management of Innovation and Design" (Cambridge University Press, 2010) and "design theory" (Springer, 2017) and several papers in international journals. He co-chairs (with Eswaran Subrahmanian, Carnegie Mellon Univ.) the "Design Theory" Special Interest group of the Design Society and he chairs the Innovation Management" Special Interest Group of the European Academy of Management. He is scientific committee member of several institutions (IHEST, IHEIE, Telecom Business School) and area editor of the Research in Engineering Design Journal. He conducts collaborative research with several companies in particular with the partners of the DTMI Chair: Airbus, Dassault Systèmes, RATP, Renault, SNCF, ST-Microelectronics, Thales, Helvetia, Ereie, Vivasanté, Nutriset.

Pascale Thumerelle

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
  • Founder and CEO of Respethica
Pascale Thumerelle is founder and CEO of Respethica. She has been Director of Corporate Social Responsibility of Vivendi, during 15 years until 2017, where she created the Department of sustainable development of the group and actively contributed to define the societal responsibility of corporate actors from the sector of media and cultural industries. She has set the strategic responsibilities and performance indicators directly linked to Vivendi's activities (Groupe Canal+, Universal Music, Activision Blizzard, Maroc Telecom, SFR, GVT). She also developed an approach of integrated reporting on financial and extra-financial indicators, demonstrating the link between Vivendi's investments in culturally diversified contents and the value creation for the Group and its stakeholders (artists, employees, local communities, shareholders, institutions, clients). Prior to this corporate career, Pascale Thumerelle has worked as editor (Larousse, Flammarion) and was then appointed Director of publications of French cultural institutes internationally, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has participated to the Fourth World Conference on Women convened by the United Nations in Beijing in 1995. Further to this, she coordinated several projects selected under the Fourth Action Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men at the European Commission. She has authored several articles and has produced a number of documentary films. In 2015 she was listed in the Global Diversity List (Top 50 diversity professionals in industry) issued by The Economist. She has been selected as Jury member of the Global Pluralism Award (2016-2019) by the Global Centre for Pluralism (funded by the Government of Canada and Aga Khan. She is also administrator of the Endowment Fund of Iconem, a startup specialised in preserving the memory of endangered cultural heritage thanks to the latest technological innovations. She is member of the French Social Investment Forum (FIR) as eminent personality (2019). She teaches at ESCP/Europe Business School, within the Master in International Sustainability Management

Stephane Delacote

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Advisory Board
  • Senior Advisor - Paris