FERTILITY - Key Persons

Abha Maheshwari

Job Titles:
  • Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine
Professor Abha Maheshwari is the lead consultant for Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Aberdeen Fertility Centre. Being Person Responsible and laboratory director, she is fully aware of clinical and legislative practices as well as challenges facing fertility treatments. She has been part a number of subcommittees working on Scottish Guidance on various aspects of fertility over the years. Nationally she is a panel member for licence centres in HFEA and Andrology special interest Group of British Fertility Society. She is also subspecialty training supervisor for RCOG accredited subspeciality training in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery as well as trainer for multiple training modules for British Fertility Society. She is a strong advocate for research and research being lead and delivered in clinical setting to improve patient care. She is also Clinical lead for Reproductive Health and Childbirth for National Research Scotland after having had personal fellowships from Chief Scientist Office for working on safety and efficacy of Assisted Reproduction. She has published extensively in the field both primary and secondary research and given talks nationally and internationally. She strongly believes in delivering excellence in training, research and clinical service, hand in hand within an NHS setup.

Carsten Mandt

Job Titles:
  • Senior Programme Manager
As an Information and Library Studies graduate, Carsten Mandt started his career in NHS Scotland in 2002 as an Information Officer with the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), supporting the development of national evidence based guidelines. He then joined NHS Greater Glasgow in 2003 to provide a Clinical Librarian service to primary care and mental health services. After moving into more project management focussed roles, Carsten took on the management of the Diabetes Managed Clinical Network in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in 2010. Building on his experience in managing a large local clinical network, Carsten joined NHS National Services in 2015 where he has worked in Programme Manager and Senior Programme Manager roles with responsibility for commissioning and managing diverse portfolios of national networks. Carsten is excited to now have the opportunity to support the development of the National Fertility Network as well as the National Neonatal and Maternity Strategic Networks, working together as the Scottish Perinatal Network, and he is looking forward to helping the networks play a key role in the continued improvement of maternity and neonatal care in Scotland.

Janis Heaney

Job Titles:
  • Associate Director
  • Associate Director for NHS Scotland 's National Strategic Networks
Janis is the Associate Director for NHS Scotland's National Strategic Networks. She has a wide range of experience across the public and private sectors, for both large multinationals and small organisations. Most recently, Janis has spent more than 18 years' working in the public sector across healthcare, education and skills. She started her career working in the private sector, working at Hewlett Packard to train and manage staff supporting customers. Janis then moved to Skills Development Scotland and later the Scottish Qualifications Authority, continuing to lead large-scale programmes of innovation. Janis joined NHS National Services Scotland in 2014, bringing her training, management and customer relationship skills to the health and social care sector. In May 2020, Janis was asked to lead the operational delivery of COVID-19 testing operations across Scotland. Janis's focus in all her roles has been ensuring that a true understanding of customer and user needs drive services and engagement. She is passionate about customer experience, developing relationships and delivering public value. This focus and passion, coupled with a lot of hard work, has been integral to the successful management of COVID-19 testing operations north of the border.

Joanne Leitch

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Scientist With Extensive Experience Within the Field of Reproductive Science
  • Lead Scientist
Joanne Leitch is a Clinical Scientist with extensive experience within the field of Reproductive Science. She is the Scientific Lead for Greater Glasgow and Clyde Assisted Conception Service and is responsible for the delivery of the highest capacity Embryology Service in Scotland. She is also the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Person Responsible for the service, acting as professional lead and holding legal responsibility for all work and patient treatment within the service. She has participated in a number of subcommittees supporting the development and implementation of fertility guidance and policies within Scotland and the UK and has been an Executive Board member of the Association of Clinical Embryologists. Joanne has a specialist interest in the professional training and development of Reproductive Scientists and works with NHS Education for Scotland as the consortium training lead for Reproductive Science in Scotland. In this role, she supports the recruitment and placement of NES National Trainees throughout training centres in Scotland and leads the development and implementation of National Training Pathways from Trainee Clinical Scientist to Higher Specialist Scientist. Joanne also works with the National School of Healthcare Science in the development of final assessments for the Scientific Training Pathway and as an OSFA examiner.

Rez NS

Job Titles:
  • Programme Manager
Fertility Scotland will support and facilitate the delivery of consistent, equitable, high quality, cost effective fertility services to meet the needs of population of Scotland.

Tolu Oyedepo

Job Titles:
  • Programme Support Officer
Tolu is a graduate of Information and Library Studies with prolific experience in project management, administrative support and process management. She joined NHS NSS Programme Management Services in early 2022 as a Project Management Officer / Project Support Officer within the Covid Vaccination Programme before moving to NHS NSS National Services Division as a Programme Support Officer for the Fertility Scotland Network. Tolu currently also supports two other networks within the NSD - Care of Burns in Scotland (COBIS) as well as Scottish Acquired Brain Injury Network (SABIN).