IT GENIE (PTY) - Key Persons

Ben Offenberg

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer
Ben is the latest dynamic addition to our team at IT Genie, bringing a youthful energy and a fresh perspective to our web development projects. As a recent graduate from UniCollege in IT Software Development, Ben has not only gained a solid foundation in the field but also earned several Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certificates, underscoring his technical capabilities and dedication to mastering key IT concepts. His enthusiasm for technology and his proactive approach to learning and development make him a valuable asset to our team, poised to contribute innovative solutions and ideas.

Elton Sibiya

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer
Elton, the youngest member of the IT Genie team, is a highly motivated Junior Web Developer. He graduated from UniCollege in IT Software Development and has earned multiple Microsoft Technology Association (MTA) Certificates and Harvard CS50 related certificates, demonstrating his proficiency in technical skills and a strong foundation in computer science. Known for his hardworking nature and eagerness to embrace new challenges, Elton's passion for continuous learning and innovation makes him a promising addition to the team, ready to contribute significantly in the field of web development.

Paul Grobler

Job Titles:
  • Director
Paul's IT career, spanning over 30 years since his high school days, showcases his deep-rooted passion for technology and dedication to helping others. With a diverse professional background encompassing support, retail, networking, corporate development, and training, Paul has developed a comprehensive understanding of the IT industry. His expertise extends to the media, where he co-hosted a technology-focused talk show on Radio Sonder Grense for an impressive 15 years. Paul's commitment to continuous learning is evident in his acquisition of numerous international qualifications, including CompTIA A+, MCSE, MOS, and MTA. He remains actively engaged in the field, contributing his wealth of knowledge through lecturing and development roles, constantly staying at the forefront of technological advancement and education.

Ruan Bezuidenhout

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer
  • Member of Our Web Development Team
Ruan is a dynamic member of our web development team at IT Genie. His journey into software development began in high school, sparking a passion that has driven him ever since. Ruan completed a one-year course in IT Software Development at UniCollege, complementing his formal education with extensive self-study. His dedication is further evidenced by his achievement of numerous Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certifications. Ruan is characterized by his relentless pursuit of knowledge and his commitment to staying abreast of the latest technological advancements. His drive to constantly improve and adapt makes him a valuable asset to our team, poised to make significant contributions with his innovative approach and up-to-date expertise.