Dr Wendy Molefi

Dr Molefi is an award winning business woman and British Menopause Society accredited Menopause Specialist. With her background in wellness coaching and mindfulness teaching, she brings an integrated and preventative approach to her clinical practice. She firmly believes that health and wellbeing matters at all times, not just when things go wrong. All too often many of us put our health niggles and stresses to one side, until they become a real problem. Dr Molefi has a real passion for women's health and helping her clients achieve their goals in improving their health and wellbeing. She has a special interest in the psychological impact of the menopause on women's quality of life. Her dissertation on the role of mindfulness in the menopause was published in the British Menopause Society Journal and presented at the International Mindfulness Conference in South Africa. She provides menopause in the workplace training to ensure women receive meaningful support and continue to thrive in the workplace. Dr Molefi is an accomplished international keynote speaker on topics pertaining to women's health, menopause and mental wellbeing in the workplace. She is also actively involved in the wider menopause landscape; in particular education, access and inclusivity.