SLIDEFAIR - Key Persons

Antony Löbker

Antony is a "classically" trained software engineer, with a master's degree in computer science. He has more than 9 years of professional software development experience in a variety of computer languages. In the past few years, he has been getting a crash course in AV. In his spare time, he is a bit of a couch potato but enjoys participating in game jams from time to time.

David Richards

Fondly referred to as "Prof Richards" by the rest of the Slidefair team, David is the man for making the rest of us sound our age and experience when written down on paper (in English). Well liked by everyone he has contact with, David has highly versatile skills and has adapted well to every task asked of him. We have yet to find his limits, we aren't even sure if he has any. When David isn't at work, he can be found in the gym (applying his personal training skills), or playing online games with international friends.

Felix Zwinkels

Felix has more than 22 years of experience in the AV and event industry. He started doing audio for beach parties when he was 18 years old. Over time, he expanded his knowledge into light and video. During his career, Felix has worn many of the hats on the technical side of the event organization. Felix Zwinkels on LinkedIn

Ursula Plotz

Job Titles:
  • Architectural Technologist
Ursula is an architectural technologist that studied in South Africa. She has since turned her attention to virtual architecture and the design of 3D worlds. Ursula is also our head of marketing, and takes care of all aesthetic, design and marketing tasks that the developers just cant figure out. She has a creative approach to problem solving and a bubbly personality that puts people at ease.