Awesome Burbank

Burbank is a city in Southern California. According to the US Census, Burbank has a population of 107,344. Burbank also hosts what is claimed to be the largest airfield in Los Angeles County - which houses several private aircraft and jets belonging to wealthy individuals such as former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who spent $60 million on 2 adjacent properties totaling 24 acres before moving from Seattle to LA (the adjoining property was purchased by Elon Musk). However, it doesn't have any university or large tourist attraction like Disneyland or Universal Studios Hollywood. Nonetheless it's estimated that over 1 million people live in the Burbank area. It borders Glendale and Hollywood on its east side, North Hollywood on its north. Burbank is named after David Burbank, who was a dentist from New York who in 1868 while visiting California on government business to mine for gold made the proposal that turned into this city. The first thing he saw in the area of what is now called "Burbank" in 1872 was not just an eagle (which prompted his choice for his back-then hometown's nickname of "Eagle City") but also orchards full of fruit and vegetables giving testimony to the fertile ground. Today, there are more than 65 abandoned oil wells within 10 miles south and east of Burbank which were subject to numerous lawsuits over their safety for drinking water amid fears that a major earthquake could dislodge them!