GOLD HILL - Key Persons

James Simmons

James oversees the church's developing work in our community along with various other areas of leadership and ministry. He says: James moved to Chalfont St Peter in 1978, he went to the local Schools and grew up at Gold Hill, and it was here that God called him into full-time church ministry. He trained and then served as a youth worker for 13 years in Reading, before being called back to Gold Hill by God to serve here again. James has served in many areas of church and community life. He is married to Helen and has two children - Sophie and Joshua. He enjoys supporting Watford FC, eating out and catching up with friends and family.

Shona Hunter-Singh

Shona leads our ministry with children and young people. She is passionate about those who are younger developing their own relationship with God, experiencing life in all its fulness and thriving in all that God made them to be. "I want to shatter the myth that children and young people's experience of God is somehow of less value than that of adults. At Gold Hill, as in the Bible, God uses those who are younger to teach us deep truths, and I love being part of releasing that in them." Shona grew up in the area and has always been embedded in community life. She loves theatre and singing. She joined the team at Gold Hill after studying in Bournemouth at Moorlands College where she now guest-lectures from time to time.