PIPE - Key Persons

David Brown

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Scientific Team
  • President, Mevex Corporation, Ottawa, on (
David Brown, President, Mevex Corporation, Ottawa, ON (dbrown@mevex.com) graduated from Queen's University's Engineering Physics program in 1988. David joined Mevex in 1988 and participated in commissioning the Mevex Applications Development Centre (ADC). The ADC worked with potential accelerator users to develop novel processes on a pilot scale. Projects included space radiation simulation studies with DND-CRC, nuclear blast simulations for DND-DREO, breaking chemical bonds for peat and cellulose, and microbial reduction applications. David was charged with growing the medical therapy service business and with designing, selling, and building the first Mevex industrial accelerator. David is a key player in Mevex's operations, marketing, technical support, and R&D programs.

Dr. David Walker - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Chairman / Prairie Isotope Production Enterprise
David Walker specializes in strategic advisory services with major public and private sector organizations and all levels of government. During his 14-year career as a professor of political science at the University of Winnipeg, he was the author of several articles on Canadian public policy and published The Great Winnipeg Dream in 1979. He was elected to the House of Commons in 1988 and again in 1993 for the riding of Winnipeg North Centre. David Walker served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, 1993-96, and later in 1996 was the Chief Federal Representative for the federal/provincial/territorial cross-Canada consultants on the Canada Pension Plan. From 1996-1997 he also served as Chair of the House of Commons Industry Committee. Dr. Walker's broad experience working with government, crown corporations, private sector and regulated environments makes him a key member of PIPE, particularly the work on nuclear-related files.

Dr. John Barnard

Job Titles:
  • Senior Technical Specialist
Dr. John Barnard, Senior Technical Specialist (barnard@acsion.com) has 30 years of experience in the health, safety, radiation processing and environment fields with Cancer Care Manitoba, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and Acsion. His principal areas of expertise are Operational Radiation Safety, Health Physics and Nuclear Physics. He has authored more than 50 publications or reports on radiation processing and health physics topics. He has managed industrial accelerator facilities and acted as a regulatory/licensing specialist for the Canadian Government (AECL) and in the uranium mining industry. He has developed training materials and taught radiation protection at Department of National Defence, Saskatchewan Environment and AECL.

Dr. Michael Campbell

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Lakehead University Research Chair
Dr. Michael Campbell is the Lakehead University Research Chair in Radiochemistry for Molecular Imagining and Advanced Diagnostics and former Director of Cyclotron Operations for Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute. During his time as Director of the Cyclotron Facility he was responsible for the design and the commissioning of the facility. He also is the Radiation Safety Officer. He received his BSc in Chemistry from the University of New Brunswick, his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, followed by a Post Doctoral Fellowship, at Duke University.

Dr. Paul Carlson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Scientific Team
  • Senior Scientist - Nuclear and Radiation Physics (
Dr. Paul Carlson - Senior Scientist - Nuclear and Radiation Physics (pcarlson@mts.net) has over 25 years experience in nuclear physics research, analyses and code development, with companies such as Acsion and AECL. His career has included core physics analysis, training of Korean and Mexican physicists in the use of physics analysis methods and codes, designing, testing and integrating new code that predicts radionuclide transport, and extensive experience with MCNP code, including developing its standard operating procedure. Dr. Carlson is a key technical resource for this project because of his experience with criticality analyses.

Prairie Isotope

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Scientific Team
  • Chairman / Prairie Isotope Production Enterprise
  • Production Enterprise - PIPE Overview