ST. CLARE - NEWPORT - History of Changes

2024-08-22 delete otherexecutives Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
2024-08-22 delete otherexecutives Mary Beth Daigneault
2024-08-22 insert otherexecutives Bishop Richard G. Henning
2024-08-22 delete person Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
2024-08-22 delete person Christy Leary
2024-08-22 delete person Emily Mosca
2024-08-22 delete person Erin Roan
2024-08-22 delete person Joanne Horelick
2024-08-22 delete person Kathryn Brown
2024-08-22 delete person Kristen Tavares
2024-08-22 delete person Lisa Gardner
2024-08-22 delete person Mary Beth Daigneault
2024-08-22 delete person Melinda Vespia
2024-08-22 delete person Monica Restrepo
2024-08-22 delete person Patrick McAssey
2024-08-22 delete person Sharon McNeil
2024-08-22 delete person Vinny Reilly
2024-08-22 delete person Zoe Michael
2024-08-22 insert person Bishop Richard G. Henning
2024-08-22 insert person Nancy Rosario
2024-08-22 update person_title Laura Dos Santos: Director of Operations, Diocese of Providence; Member of the Corporation Board; Ex Officio Member, Director of Operations => Executive Director X706; Member of the Corporation Board; Ex Officio Member, Director of Operations
2022-06-18 delete person Christopher Boyle
2022-06-18 delete person Jacki Janicki
2022-06-18 delete person John J. Barry III
2022-06-18 delete person Sydney O. Williams
2022-06-18 insert person Laura Dos Santos
2022-06-18 update person_description Harry Winthrop => Harry Winthrop
2022-06-18 update person_description Jackie Janicki => Jackie Janicki
2022-06-18 update person_description M. Teresa Paiva-Weed => M. Teresa Paiva-Weed
2022-06-18 update person_title M. Teresa Paiva-Weed: Member of the Advisory Board; Attorney => President of the Hospital Association of Rhode Island