Henry Paetzold - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Even at a young age, Henry Paetzold had the ambition of building a truly special company. That vision inspired him to establish Electronica in 1979. With his remarkable motivation, his technical creativity and his professional expertise, he developed Electronica into a leading authority in lighting technology and electrical services. In 2011, at the height of his success, Henry Paetzold passed away. His son Marcel has continued his legacy since then.

Marcel Paetzold - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Marcel Paetzold was born into the world of lighting and technical services and took his first steps - literally - on the Frankfurt trade fair grounds. After completing his studies in Business Administration and gaining experience abroad, he took on the management of Electronica in 2011, with a wide-ranging understanding of the company's day-to-day activities. Yet his first question to the technical specialists was: "Why is a rectangular fair booth illuminated with a round beam of light?"