Aisha LuVert

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Emisha Animal Wellness
Aisha LuVert is the founder of Emisha Animal Wellness which champions multiple pathways to health for companion animals and offers Earth-based products for a healthspan equal to lifespan. After witnessing the recovery her own companions had through natural healing traditions, Aisha created Emisha Animal Wellness to share what she's learned with other families facing the same challenges she did. Aisha founded Emisha Animal Wellness for pet parents who understand the value of supportive and preventative care, and reintroduce them to the power of Earth-based medicine. Emisha Animal Wellness embodies the belief that there are many ways to pursue vitality, relying on the balance between science, Indigenous healing practices, and lived pet-parent experience. Driven by her fascination with the interconnectedness of all living things, Aisha grounds herself in an authentic relationship with the Earth. She honors the plants she works with as true collaborators-not just ingredients. In addition to being a student of Earth medicine, she pulls from her biotech and clinical research, her rich knowledge of generational wisdom, and her own experiences with companion health to inform her offerings. Through her work, Aisha supports pet parents to develop their intuition and encourages them to play an active role in their companions' health. Aisha brings a thoughtful approach to the full picture of animal wellness, expanding the options available to companions and the humans who love them.