Updated 668 days ago
  • ID: 47035982/17
Pankstraße 8, Haus A 13127 Berlin
IFAB is a spe cial ized fire con sul tan cy, research and engi neer ing office with the head quar ter locat ed in Berlin, Ger many. We work inter na tion al ly and advise, design, plan and sim u late for installers, builders, insur ance com pa nies, author i ties and sub con trac tors of engi neer ing offices. Beside the clas sic fire safe ty con sul tan cy work, such as fire safe ty con cepts, exper tise ser vice and fire safe ty plan ning, our experts deal with ques tions and solu tions that are not cov ered by the nor mal tech nol o gy stan dards. IFAB has knowl edge of the state of art and has a back ground that is strong ly rely ing on exper i men tal fire test ing, which dis tin guish es us from most oth er fire con sul tan cy and engi neer ing offices. We are spe cial ized in indus tri al appli ca tions, rolling stock, road/rail tun nels and metro sta tions. Addi tion al ly we have become experts with new alter na tive fuels such as lithi um ion bat ter ies... We are spe cial..
VAT numbers: 37/357/30517, DE 263087027
Primary location: Berlin
Associated domains: brandschutzforschung.eu, ifab-fire.berlin, ifab-fire.de
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