Jenn Phillips

Job Titles:
  • Project Director and Lead
Jenn Phillips is the Project Director and Lead Writer for Precise Creative. She has worked with Precise since 2018 and joined the agency full-time in the spring of 2022. Jenn is a seasoned communications and marketing professional who has helped corporations, agencies, professional associations, and nonprofits craft compelling content and messaging for going on 25 years. A lover of language, she has bachelor's degrees in both English Literature and Linguistics. However, her obsession with the written word started when she was a young girl. In her youth, Jenn spent many hours hidden away with books, or pecking out "publications" on her toy typewriter. Jenn is passionate about creative storytelling, and she also takes nerd-like delight in both planning and creative strategy. Reflective of her skills and values, Jenn has embraced Precise Creative's timeless approach to brand building. A former small business owner herself, she believes in providing outstanding results with precision, creativity, and a personal touch. A North Carolina native, Jenn currently makes her home in Greensboro, NC, with her husband, Kyle. She still spends a lot of time reading books… but these days she prefers creating on her MacBook Pro rather than a toy typewriter. My role model… I've been blessed with wonderful role models at different stages of my life - including in my current season. It would be impossible to highlight only one or two!

Nikki Corbett

Job Titles:
  • Owner
  • Reporter
Nikki Corbett is owner/founder/president of Precise Creative. Nikki has always been a lover of words, reading before kindergarten and writing since she could pick up a pencil. She spent her early days as editor-in-chief of her college yearbook and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Communications with a concentration in Journalism plus minors in both Creative Writing and Business Administration. In her early professional years, Nikki has worked as a reporter and feature writer for multiple newspapers-often toiling until the wee morning hours to file a story for the morning edition-and worked in the editorial department of a national education company. Then in 2012, she hung her own shingle as a writer to support local businesses. This fledgling business has now expanded into a full-service marketing agency with a flourishing in-house team as well as a growing team of specialized independent contractors. In her spare time, Nikki runs a North Carolina travel blog ( and Instagram account (@PortableNC). And she loves summer so, in addition to being an avid reader, you'll also find her paddleboarding, kayaking, and surfing when she's t aking a short break from running the business.