IN THE WOODS - Key Persons

Rachel Browne

I am a busy Mum to 3 boys who are all growing up way too quickly! I took several years out of my Primary Teaching career to be at home full time with the boys in their early years. I feel so fortunate to have had this time with them helping to build the foundations for their learning. Since they have all been at school I have returned to teaching on a supply basis and have worked in a number of schools locally particularly enjoying working in Early Years. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and throughout my teaching work have strived to provide a creative and holistic approach to learning as well as aiming to learn outdoors whenever possible. In recent years I have found the space in the curriculum for this approach has restricted these opportunities and this has fed my desire to move into outdoor learning in my job. I also volunteer in Scouting and run a Beaver Scout Colony and seeing the benefits and enjoyment the children get from these experiences further encouraged me to make the decision to pursue Forest School training. In September 2016 I started on my Forest School learning journey and after a thoroughly inspiring Initial Training Week I realised this was going to shape my future career choices. I completed my ITC Outdoor First Aid Certificate and then my Level 3 Forest School Practitioner Certificate in September 2017. Since qualifying I have delivered Forest School sessions within schools and have continued to see the huge benefits the child-led, holistic and creative approach has for the learners. I love to watch them grow in confidence as they learn to make their own learning decisions and manage their own risks and time. I'm thrilled to join the team at Nest in the Woods allowing me to become more fully immersed in Forest School learning. I mainly work at our Adlington site in the Preschool and leading school trips in our dedicated woodland. Outside of work and juggling the sporting calendar of our family I love to run, read and walk our dogs. We have a small woodland in Wales and also a caravan where we spend lots of time enjoying the coast. We also love to travel as a family and are enjoying exploring different parts of the world with our boys before they begin their own independent adventures!