David Gabay

David Gabay graduated from Jerusalem University Law School with Honours degree and MSc from University of Indiana. Graduated in Accounting and Economics in 1982. With over 40 experience in business development, financing and management for various public and private corporations.

George Nedelchev

Job Titles:
  • Director of E. Europe Operations
George is responsible for ICG's activities in Eastern Europe. He studied Engineering at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria where he is based. Post-graduate in International Economic Relations and Law. He has an MBA. Has undertaken specialisations in leadership, entrepreneurship, project financing, private equity and venture capital. He worked for 15 years as an entrepreneur and producer in the field of marketing, advertising and media. Since 2006 has been consultant to the Government of Bulgaria Ministry of Labour for restructuring the National social services. He has since been specialising in financial analysis, business modelling and valuation, and advanced corporate finance.

Mr Jianqi Deng

Job Titles:
  • Director of China Operations