RED TULIP - Key Persons

Angela Sims - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Decision Pattern Specialist
Angela Sims is the Managing Director of Red Tulip Ltd, one of only a handful of worldwide specialists in Action Profile®. Through the observation of tiny non-verbal behaviours or body movements, Angela is able to analyse a client's actual thought processes and motivations in decision making, to develop cohesive teams. She has a proven track record for helping teams make more effective decisions leading to fewer delays, conflicts, inefficiencies, smoother work flows and increased outputs. With an MBA from Henley, a PG Diploma in Research from Brighton University, a Diploma in Marketing, an NLP Masters (studying with the eminent practitioner, Sue Knight), and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Angela uses this knowledge to be an exemplary masterful Executive Coach and Facilitator. Angela was trained, and continues to be mentored, in Action Profiling by Pamela Ramsden author of ‘Generating Competitive Edge Through Realising Management Potential'.

Pamela Ramsden

Pamela Ramsden is currently retained by Red Tulip as mentor for the Red Tulip team. She periodically supports and crosschecks Action Profile® observations carried out by fully qualified practitioner and movement analyst Christina Lyne to ensure ongoing reliability of the profiles. She also mentors the continuing development and research carried out by the Red Tulip team led by Red Tulip Managing Director Angela Sims.