Job Titles:
- Contracts Manager - Enderby Wharf Sales
"Thank you very much for the help I received from you and your team given the tight deadlines."
Mark Hedley - MD (and all round technical bod) Mark has been in the metal business for many years. He has an engineering background and a wealth of experience and ideas to help you with your project. If it's made of metal, Mark will know what to do with it!
Job Titles:
- Accounts Manager
- Chief
- Company Secretary
Nicky Hedley - Company Secretary/Accounts Manager (and chief cook and bottle washer!) Nicky was a theatre nurse in a previous life but is now in charge of the finances for AMS. Wife to Mark and friend of many years to Paul, Nicky keeps an eagle eye on the finances and also keeps the boys in line!
Job Titles:
- Commercial / Sales Manager
Paul Hutson - Commercial/Sales Manager - Paul comes from a sales background but has been in the metal business for several years now…. He is very much a people person and enjoys building good relationships with customers and suppliers alike. He can help you run your project and if you are having problems he is great in a crisis! If you find yourself panicking, Paul is your man!