Job Titles:
Linda Hunt is a prophetic gift to the Body of Christ chosen to share her gift and talents in Marketplace Ministry. She has an extensive background in Sales, Marketing, and Media. After years of journaling, she decided to use those journals to minister to women in need of healing and wholeness. After writing her first book "Amen Sister!" she was inspired to bring other women along on the wonderful journey of writing as an anthology, and the title, the "Anthology Doctor" was born. It is her desire to use the anthologies as a means for women to share their stories and open up streams of income and many doors of opportunities that will await them. She has published 3 anthologies: Gathering The Fragments That Nothing Will Be Lost, Living and Loving Life Without Regrets, and Moving On By His Grace. In addition, she has helped many women tell their stories.

Pastor Devin Miller

Job Titles:
  • Pastor