BEW - Key Persons

Robert Hendry

Robert Hendry got his start in the industry during his high school career. Spending time working in the theatre, he started learning the ins and outs of lighting and sound. At the same time, Robert worked as a DJ, spinning at the local schools' dances. His love of music and the production industry began to intertwine as his production got more elaborate with every gig. Robert began to work for a local rental company where he was able to learn much more by working with a wide variety of equipment every day. While the DJ work started to fade away, side jobs doing lighting and sound for different local events started coming about. While a junior in college and still working for the same rental company, Robert decided that it was time to start a business around this work. He wanted BEW Productions to some day become a resource for anyone seeking production services. "For me, the most rewarding part of this business is the satisfaction you get from it. You get it on so many levels. There's the instant response, like the cheers from the crowd when you hit a killer lighting effect on time with the music or the chest thumping kick drum coming through a sound system you deployed. Then you get the post show gratification, when you're talking to an audience member who has no idea you were involved with the show and they are talking up how awesome it looked or how good it sounded. Thats what makes it really worth it for me, and drives me to continue to build my skill set and grow my company to become a leading resource for the industry."