BLENDIN - Key Persons

Guido van der Vliet

Job Titles:
  • Explorer in Finance
Meet Guido, our Financial Controller and consulting expert. With 10 years of experience at Deloitte as a Manager in the Audit and years spent as a group controller for complex organizations, Guido has a wealth of experience on a diverse range of projects and organizations. He's worked with everything from international (stock listed) companies to family-owned businesses. Guido's expertise is supported by a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics, and a (post)master in Accounting and Control from Nyenrode Business Universiteit. He's also completed Executive programs in Transfer Pricing and Reorganizations. With his extensive network and consulting firm FACT, Guido is the perfect partner for any organization seeking financial consulting services.

Jaap Mol

Job Titles:
  • Explorer in Marketing
Meet Jaap, our Creative Mastermind and music producer extraordinaire. Jaap's talents extend far beyond his work in leisure; he's also a skilled musician, writer, filmmaker, and photographer. He's passionate about creating music and using his creativity to bring people together. Jaap loves to explore new cultures and cuisines with his girlfriend Esther, and they make it a point to travel to a foreign city once a year for several weeks to immerse themselves in the local music scene and work on new projects. Jaap's talents and creativity are a valuable asset to our team, and we're thrilled to have him on board.

Jeroen Postma

Job Titles:
  • Explorer in Leisure
Meet Jeroen, founder and Hospitality and Development expert and adventure enthusiast. Jeroen's love for making people happy started at a young age when he worked at a campsite in Egmond. He's passionate about leisure because it's all about the combination of guests and colleagues. When he's not working, Jeroen loves to ski in Austria, road trip through France, and explore off-the-grid destinations like Lapland, Korea, and Japan.

Joren Exler

Meet Joren, our Executive in Austria and creative mastermind. He left the financial world behind to pursue his passion for creating. Joren spent 13 years building his own company, where he developed over 170 luxury apartments in Austria and France. His love for Austria runs deep, which is why he's the perfect fit for Blendin. Joren brings a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the team, and his holiday photo will make you want to book your next vacation ASAP.

Peter van der Vaart

Job Titles:
  • Explorer in Development

Rianne van der Vliet

Job Titles:
  • Explorer in Finance
Meet Rianne, our Chief Finance Officer and financial wizard. Rianne's career began at Deloitte in 2006, where she studied accountancy. Her first client was none other than Jeroen, and when she left Deloitte, they continued working together. Initially, Rianne handled basic accounting, but as their projects grew bigger, the work became more complex and interesting. Rianne's brilliance in finance has made her an invaluable asset to the team. Outside of work, Rianne is a family woman who loves spending time with her loved ones.

Wouter van Wetering

Job Titles:
  • Explorer in Legal & Finance
Meet Wouter, our Finance, co-founder and Operations and construction guru. Wouter's love for managing organizations and the financial side of things led him to specialize in Management, Economy & Law. But his true passions are his family and exploring new places. He travels every year to create memories for life with his loved ones, and last year he went to South Africa. He also has a special place in his heart for the Algarve, and his holiday photos will make you want to book your next beach vacation ASAP.