BOOKIN - Key Persons

Beverly Bookin - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Senior Principal
With over 35 years of experience as an urban planner and policy analyst, Beverly has brought her technical expertise and professional acumen to the aid of nearly every major institution and government entity in the Portland Metro Region.

Chris Hagerman

Job Titles:
  • a Senior Planner
  • Principal & Senior Planner
Chris joined The Bookin Group as a Senior Planner in 2011, bringing his land use knowledge and problem-solving abilities to the firm. He's played a variety of roles on development teams, helping them navigate the regulatory landscape, and our clients know to turn to Chris when issues arise or their projects get stuck. His ability to create amicable, professional relationships with city reviewers is the key to finding workable solutions. Working previously for the City of Portland, Chris reviewed land use reviews for the Bureau of Development Services and then developed new regulations related to environmental policy within the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. This breadth of knowledge in code implementation, land use planning, and policy development gives him a sophisticated understanding of both the inner workings of local government and the practices of city reviewers.

Debbie Cleek

Job Titles:
  • Principal & Senior Planner
In practice since 1993, Debbie specializes in land use entitlements, permit review and project management. She is known for her organized approach to projects and ability to identify and tackle the critical tasks needed to reach a successful conclusion. Previously with the City of Portland, Debbie was the Team Leader for the Land Division Team affording her inside knowledge about the codes and culture at the Bureau of Development Services. In addition, she worked for three years as the Bureau's Green Building Specialist, collaborating with the service bureaus and development community to create programs that encourage more sustainable development practices. Her extensive experience with the plan review process, working on both sides of the counter, helps her strategize with clients to shave off review time and reduce permit costs. She's also adept at explaining complex land use procedures and technical requirements in understandable terms, to help clients navigate the approval process.