Joseph Toth

Joe Toth has owned an electrical contracting business for over 20 years. He studied and received his real estate license in 2004. Joe's gift of running a successful business has made him quite successful as a Realtor. Joe also works as a Fireman and Paramedic for the local station - He has a passion to help, and problem solve - these qualities are key as well in the Real Estate business. Joe has a heart and passion for everything he involves himself in. He knows the area, the lake and the community very well.

Sherrie Toth

Sherrie Toth grew up around the real estate industry. She likes to say she's been selling real estate since she was 5! Often hanging with her top producing Realtor grandmother on showings and attending open houses. Grandma used say, "I give my clients more than what they expect." This quote has always been the staple of Sherrie's business. "We all sell the same product- I stand apart from others with the service that I deliver, the niche I have and my gift of marketing" Licensed in 2001, Sherrie's practice of "taking good care of her clients," has earned her numerous local, state, and national awards since 2002. Before selling real estate, Sherrie worked in management for General Electric Financial services. Sherrie and her husband Joe live on Apple Valley Lake full time. Sherrie enjoys introducing folks to Knox county and the communities. She has been quoted saying, "It's easy to sell what you live and truly believe in." Sherrie holds the following educational designations: