CLARK LAW - Key Persons

Daniel Hartpence

Job Titles:
  • Attorney
Daniel Hartpence was born and raised in Fayetteville, Georgia. As the son of a chiropractor and teacher, he was instilled with the drive and motivation necessary to succeed and excel. He went to Starr's Mill High School, then on to Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. At Eckerd, Daniel played baseball and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and a minor in Classic History. Contact Daniel Hartpence "Daniel was responsive and caring, helping our son navigate the frightening criminal justice system. His expertise helped ensure our son received counseling as opposed to a year in jail. He'll now have the ability to go to college, receive financial aid and continue with his life, putting this incident, that would've been much worse had it not been for Daniel Hartpence, behind him. I enthusiastically recommend him."

Jeremy Clark

Job Titles:
  • Founding Partner
  • Partner
Jeremy Clark is a founding partner at Clark Law whose focus is mainly on personal injury and criminal defense cases. His background and personal experiences have molded him into a relentless trial attorney who gives his all on every case. Contact Jeremy Clark "Jeremy is a great lawyer that puts you and your family at ease the first day that you enter his office. Jeremy's knowledge and professionalism gets the job done the first time. I highly recommend him to all my friends and family. Thanks Jeremy!"

Stetson Student Ambassador

Job Titles:
  • Secretary for the Florida Association of Women Lawyers