Updated 46 days ago
83 Rue Marcel Mérieux 69960 Corbas FRANCE
If you are a pub, bistro, restaurant, café, fairgrounds, creperie, you work in the catering trade, in the events sector, a hotel, a hotel establishment, find our catering equipment dealers who will be at your disposal to advise you on the purchase of Casselin equipment. We strive to build quality partnerships with our dealers to promote the Casselin brand, maintain a reliable and competent after-sales service and to ensure proximity to buyers of Casselin products... As a professional catering equipment manufacturer, we are specialized in snacking equipment and ready to plug in equipment such as professional fryers, panini grills, griddle plates, fry holding stations, heated carving stations, equipment for breakfast or catering reception, refrigerated display cases, professional glasswashers and dishwashers. CASSELIN develops and markets professional catering equipment that meets the needs and constraints required in terms of quality and finishing touch, performance and robustness to..