Updated 1067 days ago
- Age: 25 years
- ID: 47483385/14
PO Box 750651 Forest Hills, NY 11375-0651 USA
WE are excited to announce the launch of the WE Store, (what WE call the Loving, Caring alternative to Amazon) designed to facilitate the joining of ethical buyers and sellers to make this effort more effective, convenient and efficient. The Store, among other things, will invite socially conscious businesses to display their products and services and will include space for movement groups to sell their merchandise like T-shirts and coffee mugs to raise awareness and funds. WE are also adding a Directory of Social Action, so even if you are not selling products in the store customers will still have access to what you have to offer and your contact information and we are hoping this will result in an increase in buying locally... The first phase is to focus on supporting those who are already doing it (what is already working) - a tried and true permaculture tenet. Our initial focus is on those doing business, selling goods and services. Many of them could use investment capital like..