Aiden Matthews

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
Aiden is our experienced project manager, responsible for overseeing all aspects of our spray painting projects. With his keen attention to detail and exceptional organisational skills, he ensures that every project is executed smoothly and efficiently. Aiden's commitment to delivering on time and within budget has earned the trust and satisfaction of our clients.

Cameron Lush

Job Titles:
  • Quality Control Supervisor
Cameron is our dedicated quality control supervisor, responsible for ensuring that our work meets the highest standards of excellence. With his meticulous eye for detail, he conducts thorough inspections at every stage of the spray painting process. Cameron's commitment to maintaining quality and exceeding client expectations sets us apart in the industry.

Lorraine Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Colour Consultant
Lorraine is our talented colour consultant, bringing creativity and expertise to our client's projects. With her deep understanding of colour theory and design principles, she assists our clients in selecting the perfect colours and finishes that align with their vision.

Penelope Armstrong - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Penelope is the visionary behind Commercial Spray Painting Experts. With her extensive experience in the industry and passion for delivering top-quality results, she established the company with a clear mission. Penelope's leadership and dedication to excellence have set the foundation for our success.

Victor Cole

Job Titles:
  • Spray Painting Specialist
Victor is our skilled spray painting specialist, known for his meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail. With years of experience in the industry, he has honed his skills in achieving flawless finishes. Victor is well-versed in the latest spray painting techniques and stays updated with advancements in equipment and materials to ensure the best results for our clients.