CONNECTTO - Key Persons

Anshul Agarwal - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Anshul holds a Qualified Chartered Accountant designation and has more than 3 years of experience with successful firms in India & UK. Besides, he has completed his Master's in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management from the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Anshul holds deep expertise in bookkeeping, corporation tax returns, VAT accounting, payroll management, and tax laws. He possesses an open-minded attitude toward business and strives to keep his judgment clear to avoid clouding it. His clients call him their doppelganger (for their business). Aside from his work, he is also very active in philanthropy and has cofounded a charitable trust that helps the elderly and less fortunate children.

William Harris - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Director
William is a young entrepreneur who is the Director and Co-Founder of Connectto. He's a well-rounded professional with expertise in operations, accounts, payroll, tax returns, and Bookkeeping. With his direct access to the inner procedural workings of many UK-based law firms, William has a unique understanding of the requirements a firm must meet to handle the procedural demand and be regarded as a sound investment. He also worked as a consultant for solicitor investment at Wharris Consulting firm, which gave him access to both the solicitor and funding sides of the market, enabling him to gain a holistic view of the industry. His ability to assist in the identification of solicitors leveraged his distinctive expertise.