CROWD READER - Key Persons

Brian Bull - CTO

Job Titles:
  • CTO
Brian can think of nothing better than to figure out how to solve any life problem with some math and stats. He's the guy you want on your shoulder as you push the boundaries and he's been instrumental in taking the elbow grease out of open ended data analytics using the latest NLP and AI techniques.

David Hunt

Job Titles:
  • Software Engineer
David has turned an advanced AI process into a beautiful piece of software. This is no mean feat and allows our users the ability to easily interact with their data and generate evidence-based insights that show the lineage of each insight back into the source data.

Hamish McEwen

Job Titles:
  • Insights Director, Sport New Zealand
"Crowd Reader allowed us to quickly and easily analyse thousands of responses from our research on "what makes a good life" for our New Zealand tamariki. This was a huge boost to our project as we were able to represent to our government the actual voice of our children - powerful stuff! Now we are able to monitor the effectiveness of government policy in shifting the dial for the lives of our next generation - there is nothing more important!"

Isaac Wilson - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Isaac's the guy who's worked in insights for longer than he'd care to remember. Extracting insights from open ended data was a massive challenge he faced in his day-job 5 years ago. Developing a way to automate the mind-numbing reading of free text data is what spurred him on to find an innovative approach that gives powerful insights accurately and fast.

Lauren Parr

Lauren is who you'd want when you've got to take your story on the road and show the world what you've got. Without her we wouldn't be speaking to you today.

Tom Shanley

Tom is a rare breed - half creative designer half techie geek. It is Tom who takes the raw extracts developed by the team and builds beautiful interactive infographics that really tell the story hidden in the data. Tom brings data to life.