CRUKING - Key Persons

Ashley Zhang

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Main Markets: Europe, Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia She has a stable personality and high sense of responsibility. Experienced in sales and results driven. Skilled communicator with both individual customers and business partners. Eileen  +86-157-2745-3528 +86-0592-5567-728

Bubble Lin

Job Titles:
  • Bubble Lin / Sales Manager
Main Markets: South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe Bubble has strong sense of responsibility and initiative, good organizational skills and adaptability. She can get along with the colleagues in all sectors, with the successful completion of task. Eileen  +86-157-5758-1795 +86-0592-5567-728

Dylan Lin

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Main Markets: Africa, Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia He is very nice, patient, and enthusiastic in his work. He always tries his best to meet customers' requirement. All his customers are satisfied with him. Michael  +86-173-5002-4964 +86-0592-5567-728

Henry Zhang

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Main Markets: South Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Western America, Western Europe Experienced Sales Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the construction machines industry. Strong professional skills in Management, Account Management, Sales, Business Development, and Marketing Strategy. Michael  +86-138-0855-5118 +86-0592-5567-728

Jerry Chen

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Main Markets: Africa, Middle East, Latin America He is very nice, patient, and enthusiastic in his work. He always tries his best to meet customers' requirement. All his customers are satisfied with him. Phyllis  +86-159-5923-7232 +86-0592-5567-728

Karlie Liu

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager

Sally Huang

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Main Markets: Africa, South Asia, South America, Oceania She is a very nice, patient, and enthusiastic person in her work. She always tries her best to meet customers' requirements. Her goal is to exceed customer expectations while managing the customer relationships with partners and manufacturers, and to exceed sales goals. Phyllis  +86-139-5926-1266 +86-0592-5567-728