Updated 52 days ago
16 Elektron Road, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
Dragonfly Aerospace is a leader in high-performance imaging satellites and payloads. Our turnkey solutions get these strategic assets operational on orbit with the minimum time, cost, and risk...
Dragonfly Aerospace's vision is to provide decision makers with accurate and accessible data to inform their choices. We are unique in our ability to design and deploy world-class imaging systems using decades of experience in leading-edge camera and satellite technology...
Dragonfly Aerospace aims to contribute towards the socio and economic prosperity of the world, while ensuring a sustainable Earth for the future. Earth Observation plays a crucial role in our mission as it gathers information about the planet.
Also known as: Dragonfly Aerospace, Dragonfly Aerospace (Pty) Ltd, Dragonfly Space Ltd
Associated domains: dragonflyaerospace.net