CSR - Key Persons

Diana Guerrero Lozoya

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Director / Europe and Eurasia Region
Of her international leadership, the following stand out: She is the sub-coordinator of three Mexican ISO Mirror Committees for standards 37001, 20400 and 26000 and, coordinator of TC 323 in Circular Economy. As the representative of Mexico to the international community, Diana actively participates in the development and approval of the content of ISO standards.

Edgar Rodríguez González

Job Titles:
  • North America Region Director

Ilse Yza Medina

Job Titles:
  • Senior Advisor
Degree in International Relations from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. During his training he specialized in administrative, consulting and information analysis issues, in addition to highlighting in extracurricular activities on campus. He completed a semester of studies in Hungary where he specialized in project management through courses in Lithuania; and participation in the support team for foreign professors at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Karla Guerrero Lozoya - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Graduated in International Relations, a certification in Community Participation from Boston College and a diploma in CSR from ITESM (TEC) and BID. In 2014 he received his Master's Degree in Social Responsibility from the Universidad Anáhuac.

Rafael Garza Cantu

Job Titles:
  • Director of Systems and Data Intelligence