Brittany Carbajal

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant
Brittany has been working as an Executive Assistant for the past 9 years with a strong background in bookkeeping. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach, and baking.

Carolina Mcgraw

Job Titles:
  • Account Associate
Caroline is a writer and educator who has worked in the nonprofit arts sector for over a decade. In her spare time, she loves to cook, spend time in nature, and hang out with her husband and cat.

Joan Baker

Job Titles:
  • Account Associate
Joan has been working in small businesses operations for the past ten years, from food manufacturers to fashion retailers to dropship businesses. She loves diving into details and helping small businesses find success through thoughtful data analysis. She lives in Brooklyn with her partner and two cats.

Kyle Klinpun-Rudnick

Job Titles:
  • Nonprofit Finance Manager
Kyle is of German and Puerto Rican descent, second generation, and identifies as someone with dyslexia and auditory processing disorder. A stage actor by trade, he has been working in a multi-disciplinary arts environment as an administrator for over a decade. Kyle graduated from the Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.S. in Business Management and moved shortly afterwards to Upstate NY, where he spent time working for institutions such as the Glimmerglass Festival and Bard College SummerScape Festival. During university and residency in Upstate, Kyle managed finances and operations for Purely Pets, a worldwide holistic animal supplement wholesaler. Upon moving to NYC, he continued a career as an arts administrator, having worked with New York City Opera, Valentina Kozlova Dance Foundation, the Princess Grace Foundation - USA and Dance/NYC. On film, Kyle has most recently been seen in an Onrios Award winning short film Crossing Rivers, which was featured in the World Cinema Milan Film Festival, Doc Without Boarders and among others. Currently he is working on Chekhov's Nina Variations, to be performed in Winter 2023. His active role in theatrical improvisation and film production has deepened his knowledge as an artist. Aside from the arts, Kyle is strongly passionate about travel, food, hiking and cycling. He peacefully resides with his wife on Roosevelt Island (Minnehanonck Island, land of the Lenape).