Kathleen Mundy - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
A diminutive dynamo, a mother of four, a savvy businesswoman, an author (‘Succeeding Against All Odd's, and ‘Reading Between the Wines'), an energizing and enthusiastic speaker - Kathleen Mundy has been termed all of these things and wears them proudly. Captivating audiences of six to 600, Kathleen's message of BOLD and experienced business advice has been provided to professional groups including financial institutions such as TD Bank for business banking clients, National Woman's conferences and Executives. Kathleen's 25-year evolvement in the Franchise world provides a rich and comprehensive understanding of the Franchise business model. As she leveraged a small investment into a multi-unit 7 figures company in 5 years, she designed a 5-Step M.O.N.E.Y. System. This system provides solid training in business acumen, financial literacy and relationship marketing. After studying under her, mentorship clients have successfully improved their income, revamped business models and gained fulfillment. Now, as an executive coach, she provides career and business advancement training with Franchising being her main focus. She takes on challenges with a no-nonsense approach. "Business isn't easy, it's simple in principle but not easy. If it was easy everyone would do it!"