Brittany May

My name is Brittany, and I am so excited to be working with Kyle to bring you Growing Minds! I am married to the sweetest guy, have three incredible kids, and a tiny Yorkie who thinks he's a Mastiff. I am passionate about helping students who struggle with learning because I know exactly how they feel. I have ADHD, but wasn't diagnosed until I was 14. School was always a struggle. Medication helped, but it didn't change the way my brain functioned. I reached out to the founder of Growing Minds to become a student and ended up becoming an employee. I was a trainer for two years and could see major changes in the way my brain functioned. I was able to stop taking my medication altogether. After those two years, I became the director of Growing Minds. Now, Kyle and I are happy to call it our own and start working with students all over the country. I love what I do because I watch people change their lives. This isn't just another tutoring center, this is a center where brain function and learning techniques are improved long term. We can't wait to work with you!

Kyle Robbins

My name is Kyle, I am married to a wonderful woman named Chelsea since August 2016 and have a real lazy chocolate lab! I am honored to be one of the co-owners of Growing Minds! Growing up, I did not enjoy learning. I was a, "Good enough" kind of student who as consistently getting, "B's and C's." I was trying as hard as I could, but learning did not come to me as easily as it did for several of my classmates. Consequently, I avoided any subject that would require me to read out loud, as this was my primary weakness. After high school, I attended Eastern University where I majored in Youth Ministry. While I was in college, I was introduced to psychology and found it completely fascinating, which led to me finding a mental health job in Reading, Pa. Fast forward a few years and Brittany May asked if I was looking for any part time work, and introduced me to Growing Minds. Needless to say, I was completely blown away! In my spare time, I completed several of the procedures and the reading program, and found myself growing in confidence as a reader, even as an adult. Growing Minds is something special, and I am so excited to continue changing the lives of both children and adults in our community!