TECH GROUP - Key Persons

Meir Koren

Meir Koren, Born in Israel, served in the IDF for 22 years and retired as a Lieutenant General. Mr. Koren is an Electrical Engineer holding B.Sc. and MBA in Business management. His duties in the IDF were in the Communication and security units. The duties include development of new communication devices, commanding in very unique and sophisticated telecom system units and more. Mr. Koren retired from IDF in 1992. After completing his service in the IDF, Mr. Koren explored the business sector. Most of his activities were based in APAC as well in the USA. As the CEO of an Israeli company in APAC, Mr. Koren was involved in many new programs of government and non-governmental entities. Most activities were in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, India, Korea, HK, and Indonesia. Since 2008, Meir Koren established his own platform to Introduce Israeli most advanced technologies to the Far Eastern companies. The first project was building the Security infrastructure for the Beijing Olympics games in 2008. Having solid connections in the government and in the private sector in the Far East from One side and very knowledgeable base in the Israeli technologies, Mr. Koren developed many projects with Command and control solutions, high-tech solutions and more. Since 2011 - Mr. Koren build his own platform gathering various technologies in different fields and becoming a leading infrastructure for solutions in the energy, Medical devices, Innovation centers, Cyber, Anti-Drone systems and more. Mr. Koren is married with 3 kids, one grandkid.