ICONIUM - Key Persons

Alyson Horne

Alyson Horne is motivated to use social media and digital advertising to obtain results for clients, with a passion for creating meaningful connections both online and in person. She is proficient at working in a team environment as well as independently. She creates quality content that is designed to create a genuine human connection. Alyson's designs are appealing, her copy is engaging, and her strategies are mission-oriented. She is an active user of social media in her personal life and stays on top of both trends and algorithmic changes, which means that our social advertising strategies are current, agile, and able to pivot. Her creativity is demonstrated by a diploma in Theatre Arts from Macewan University in 2018, followed by a certificate in Social Media Marketing from the University of Alberta in 2021.

Cam Schenk

Cam Schenk oversees associated charity work with Iconium Strategies. He connects people with transformational and life-giving opportunities as he secures the resources needed for people's lives to be impacted by the charities we support. Cam has strong relational and networking skills and brings to Iconium over 25 years of fund development and donor care experience. He cares deeply about inspiring transformational life change through media as he connects key donors with our charities. Learn more about Iconium Strategies

Candice Fast Karlsson

Candice Fast Karlsson demonstrates a heartfelt commitment towards serving people with excellence. She has capacity to manage a significant amount of detail towards the completion of large scale projects. She does this while focusing on the end user goals and experience. Candice creates and manages content in a manner that enables the desired message to be easily understood and accessible. Candice specializes in research and analysis of information and data, customer service, and user experience. When building a website, she looks beyond user analytics and considers the user themselves: the person who is engaging with a website. That ensures her content layouts are accessible, easy to understand, and focused on user satisfaction. Candice's approach to web experience is considerate of detail. She understands the big impacts of small choices, and works with our clients to make sure that all voices-including the unheard voices of a website's future potential visitors-factor into our web projects. Candice has extensive experience as a content creator and producer, and is very intuitive with a digital audience. She has been working with Disney for over 10 years, and has learned profound skills in serving people in a way that makes them feel incredibly special. Candice holds her PhD in Organizational Leadership from Southeastern University. She previously received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management from the University of Lethbridge and her Master of Business Administration from Florida Southern College. Candice enjoys reading, learning and spending time with friends and family. She is talented in decorating and making spaces look fabulous. Outside of work, Candice works for Disney Parks in Orlando, Florida. She leverages her experience at Disney-one of the world's most customer experience-centric brands-into her work with Iconium. View projects Candice has worked on

Greg Ramsden

Greg Ramsden, as Executive Director of Production, brings a refreshing approach to his leadership role. With a deep appreciation for human-centric brand experiences, Greg infuses projects with a touch of creativity that sets them apart. He understands the importance of considering the people behind the brands we work with, ensuring that his team members always keep this perspective in mind. At Iconium Media, Greg plays a vital role in driving transformative results for our clients. With strategic planning, direction, and coordination of operational activities, he ensures the development and implementation of efficient systems to meet present and future needs. Greg's focus on cost-effectiveness and delivering results leads him to navigate change management during Iconium's growth and expansion, fostering success and achieving impactful outcomes. Greg's exceptional project management and organizational skills have garnered praise from our clients. His diverse skill set, complemented by a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Rocky Mountain College and certification from the Arrow Leadership Program, adds value to all of Iconium's creative endeavours. Prior to joining Iconium, Greg amassed 17 years of experience, during which he consistently demonstrated his ability to create, produce, and lead teams dedicated to building strong relationships and delivering outstanding results. Beyond his professional commitments, Greg actively engages with his community through volunteering, mentoring, and collaborating with artists and musicians. His unique blend of creativity and leadership extends beyond the workplace, positively impacting those around him. View projects Greg has worked on

Greg Waggoner

Job Titles:
  • Design Lead
Greg Waggoner serves as the design lead, ensuring that each of our design, branding, or animation projects not only meets but exceeds the brief in concept, execution, and above all, creativity. A natural problem solver, he relentlessly pursues the most innovative methods to market our clients, and thus far has never met a design challenge he couldn't lead his team to overcoming. His approach revolves around the creation of experiences-the type that can be found at the intersection of design, film, and animation. That's why his interests branch out so far; the tireless development of his expertise helps him conceptualize a beautiful visual experience from the ground up. Greg completed the Digital Cinema program at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in 2019. Outside of work, Greg pursues the creation and consumption of art in every way it manifests: interior design, photography, music, and much more. His own creations are a tapestry of every influence he's picked up along the way. View projects Greg has worked on

Karen Schenk - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Karen Schenk is the CEO and Founder of Iconium Media, a visionary leader who empowers businesses and organizations to achieve incredible results through transformative media. With a strong focus on creating responsive content, Karen and the Iconium Media team can elevate your company to new heights. With over 200 clients and thousands of projects under her belt, Karen's approach is rooted in understanding the essence of each client's business and helping them grow through meaningful conversations. She believes in building lasting relationships, taking a personal stake in each account, and ensuring that clients feel heard at every level of leadership. Karen's expertise in leading creative and technical teams makes her an invaluable asset to both the team at Iconium Media and the clients she serves. She has a proven track record of crafting highly effective digital strategies and social marketing campaigns. Her ability to define marketing objectives, integrate strategies, research software, and oversee development projects sets her apart in the industry. Additionally, Karen's commitment to staying at the forefront of digital trends ensures that your organization remains ahead of the game. Equipped with a Masters of Business Administration, Karen brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to every project. Outside of work, she enjoys travelling with her husband and cherishing moments with her grandchildren. Karen's genuine care for the success of your organization is evident in her dedication and tireless efforts to help you achieve your goals and create remarkable results. View projects Karen has worked on

Kaylin Schenk

Job Titles:
  • Creative Producer
Kaylin Schenk is an all-around creative producer, touching on content such as social media, blog posts, newsletters, and design-her speciality, however, is photography. She runs a successful freelance photography business with a focus on personal portraiture, and possesses a photo editing ability that can somehow bring out a subject's essence, beneath the skin. Kaylin's approach to photography has a basis in emotion. She understands the subtleties of demeanour that betray our thoughts, and creates environments during her sessions to make her subject feel relaxed, at ease, comfortable, and feeling the most like themselves. The results are beautiful, naturalistic images. Kaylin graduated from Edmonton's MacEwan University with an Arts and Cultural Management diploma. Before relocating to the Vancouver area, she was heavily involved with the Edmonton art community, often seen photographing some of the many theatrical productions in the city. Her desire to create beauty is evident in many of the projects she engages in. Outside of work, Kaylin immerses herself in aesthetic environments, making her days out, trips abroad, and living space reflections of her tastes. Taking inspiration from everywhere, she lends her ideas to Iconium's many marketing avenues. View projects Kaylin has worked on

Liam McConnell

Liam McConnell heads up our Advertising department, controlling the production and efficacy of all deliverables related to advertising, including newspaper ads, digital ads, social media, ambient advertising, street furniture, audio advertising, and much more. With an eye on KPIs, he steers our marketing efforts in the direction that best suits our clients and their diverse goals. Liam's approach to advertising is based around content creation: framing our clients and their products and services with interesting, aesthetically pleasing, and easily-consumable material. Content often originates at the level of the written word, which is when Liam takes full advantage of his education: he studied English at the Universities of Toronto and York, and earned Honours Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees.

Nathen Comer

Nathen Comer, our Web Developer, works towards creating efficient and visually appealing websites that leave a lasting impression. With expertise in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, he prioritizes user accessibility and aesthetics. Nathen's proficiency extends to version control systems like Git and Github, as well as back-end skills in Python, Node.js, Express.js, and React.js. His commitment to efficiency and effectiveness drives him to deliver exceptional web experiences that reflect our clients' visions. Nathen's approach to web development centres around creating a pleasant experience for the user. The code and web elements he utilizes prioritize accessibility and ease of use, as well as aesthetics. His education and training at Vanguard College, focused on InterCultural studies. He's continued on expanding his knowledge base through extensive training in programming. In his personal life, Nathen seeks out efficiency in all aspects of life. He takes an overhead look at his task at hand, asking himself "What can I change to improve my effectiveness?" He brings that ethic into work, and the websites he builds only grow in their effectiveness.