IWIN - History of Changes

2024-04-05 delete alias iWin Sagl
2023-06-21 insert cto Dr. Paolo Antonio
2023-06-21 insert person Dr. Paolo Antonio
2023-06-21 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2023-01-24 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2022-09-12 delete coo Dr. Francesco Frontini
2022-09-12 delete founder Dr. Francesco Frontini
2022-09-12 insert cmo Paolo Corti
2022-09-12 insert founder Paolo Corti
2022-09-12 update person_description Paolo Corti => Paolo Corti
2022-09-12 update person_title Diego Porzio: CSO and Co - Founder / Building Engineer and Architect With Long Experience in Sales and Business Development for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and PV - Systems => Sales Manager and Co - Founder / Building Engineer and Architect With Long Experience in Sales and Business Development for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and PV - Systems
2022-09-12 update person_title Dr. Francesco Frontini: Co - Founder; COO => Business Developer and Co - Founder
2022-09-12 update person_title Paolo Corti: CPO and Co - Founder => Co - Founder; CMO