JPCCC - Key Persons

Claudine Ribeiro

Job Titles:
  • Director
Claudine is the Director at JPCCC, and is an experienced social worker. She is passionate about taking the organisation to new heights, and expanding our service provision to the community.

Gabriela Völkel

Gabriela is an Educational Psychologist and fulfills the role of case coordinator. She works with a broad spectrum of clients, and focuses on empowering them to be assertive and self aware.

Irene Chait

Job Titles:
  • Analyst
  • Clinical Psychologist
Irene is a Clinical Psychologist and psycho-analyst, who is a long serving consultant for the centre. She has a special interest in play therapy, and oversees the training of the Educational Psychology Interns. Irene has been a part of JPCCC for over 40 years.

Iris Ferrer

Iris is an Educational Psychologist at JPCCC, who is involved in the training of the Intern Educational Psychologists. She practices in both French and English, and has been with JPCCC for 15 years.

Jacqui Michael

Job Titles:
  • Director
Jacqui is a previous director of JPCCC, and maintains a close relationship with the organisation. She remains a senior consultant and supervisor for the organisation, and is involved in fundraising

Jessie-Anne Bird

Jessie-Anne Bird is an Educational Psychologist, who is involved in the JPCCC internship training progamme. Jessie-Anne works with children, adolescents, and adults - providing both therapy and assessment. She also focuses on online interventions.

Lior Blumenthal

Lior is an Educational Psychologist. She is passionate about education and overcoming barriers to learning. She also has a keen interest in assessments and working with adults and adolescents.

Mahlatse Diale

Job Titles:
  • Social Worker
Mahlatse is a qualified social worker. She believes in advocating for the rights of children, and is experienced in providing support to clients from a multitude of backgrounds. She is passionate about child protection and working with families.

Maki Ramasedi

Job Titles:
  • Senior Social Worker
Maki is a senior social worker, and leads the training courses and workshops presented at JPCCC. She is instrumental in the training of social work students from various universities.

Matseke Nkadimeng

Job Titles:
  • Social Worker at SPCCC
Matseke is a social worker at SPCCC, and collaborates with staff members at JPCCC. She is well-known within the Soweto community who are assisted by SPCCC.

Megan Swart

Megan is an Intern Educational Psychologist who completed her training at the University of Pretoria. She is passionate about children and adolescents and has a keen interest in not only assessments, but providing psychodynamic therapy to assist clients in their journey towards wellbeing.

Nikiwe Mziwakhe

Nikiwe is the welcoming face of JPCCC, and meets the administrative needs of the organisation. She has a background in counselling and communication skills, and her goal is to help children and families.

Phumzile Kunene

Phumzile is an intern educational psychologist who studied at the University of Pretoria. She has an interest in child development and learner support. She is passionate about developing the unique abilities of learners to enable them to achieve the extraordinary.

Roy Jennings

Roy is one of the JPCCC board members, and assists with the financial management of the organisation.

S'phelele Ngwenya

S'phelele is an intern educational psychologist from University of Zululand. She believes that early psychological intervention in children can prevent devolopmental challenges. She's interested in working with children and adolescents to help them cope with stressors and give them hope

Samantha Campher

Job Titles:
  • Registered Counsellor
Samantha is a Registered Counsellor, who fulfills the role of School Counselling Service Coordinator. She uses empathy, compassion, and optimism in her work with both children and adolescents.

Taahirah Chafeker

Taahirah is an Educational Psychology Intern at JPCCC who is currently completing her training through the University of Witwatersrand. She has a keen interest in working with a diverse range of individuals in an attempt to understand their behaviors and assist them in reaching their potential.

Zaheera Seedat

Zaheera is an Educational Psychologist. She completed her training at the University of the Witwatersrand. Zaheera is passionate about working with children, and has an interest in psychological assessments and early childhood development.