JOHN LUKE - Key Persons

Alejandra Díaz de León

Job Titles:
  • Operations & Design
A creative soul who sees art in every aspect of life. I'm a 25 year old who has failed and succeed in the design life. My lowest point being having to close my creative studio startup at 21 and my highest being getting to meet John Luke and him teaching me the design rockstar life. I have always thought that you can really change the world by communicating the right message, and for me, my favorite tool to do so is through design.

Edgar Vehbiu

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

John Luke Laube

Job Titles:
  • Design & Strategy

Vanessa Miramontes

Job Titles:
  • Design & Animations
When I was a child, I wanted to be a vet or a Dog Protector (yup, I made up that job), but the funny thing is that I always said this while drawing all the time. Honestly, I never thought about being a designer, until one day in high-school, when I was 17 some friends needed a flyer for a band performing on school, when they asked me this I decided to take the opportunity to learn how to use Photoshop, I just learned the basic stuff, like how to manipulate images and text but I never thought that this was the beginning of my true passion. Six years later I would be designing and making creative advertising ideas for the whole portfolio of Coca-Cola Mexico and Latin America.I have always been a visual learner, maybe that was the thing that sparked my interest for branding and my love to create visual assets with a lot of personality, almost as if the brand could be heard by people. When I was 17 I started working in advertising, but I noticed I enjoyed my work the most when I worked on branding. When I started in John Luke Studios it reminded myself why I loved this so much, to be able to create and be creative, give colors and shapes to an idea it's something really exciting.